Before the question of what are the types of lollipops, it is necessary to look at how lollipops are made. As it is known, lollipops are one of the types of confectionery that are loved and consumed by both children and adults. These candies, which have many varieties, have more than one model, from taste to color. Lollipops, which are also very easy to make, are also available at home. Lollipops, which can be prepared differently from each other, are always among the ready-to-eat sweet snacks. Lollipops, which are as pleasant to hold as they are to eat, are mostly preferred by children because of their sugary structure. Children’s weakness for sweet tastes is a reality accepted by everyone. It is extremely important to consume sugary foods in a controlled manner as they should not be consumed in excess.
There are many flavored lollipop varieties available, from mint lollipops to apple, strawberry, tangerine, orange or lemon lollipops. These candies, which are prepared for almost every taste, are loved by everyone from big to small. The aromatic sweet taste that remains in the mouth is suitable for consumption at any time.
Color Revel Lollipops
It is actually not as difficult as it seems to obtain color riot lollipops. Lollipop candies, which can be produced in desired colors and features, go through various stages. It contains mostly granulated sugar, water, cream tarts, corn syrup and coloring materials. A syrup is obtained as a result of bringing these ingredients together and boiling them. The syrup obtained should have reached the consistency to take shape as it is exposed to a high degree of heat. Then, the confectionery syrup, which is transferred to the molds so that it can reach the desired shape, is left to dry and takes the desired shape. Lollipop candies, which differ in shape and size, can also be prepared in different colors. For this, help is taken from coloring materials. The use of red, yellow, green, blue, pink, white and many more colors makes the confectionery more eye-catching. These colors, which contribute to the increase of its delicious appearance, can also be used together. Thus, it becomes possible to obtain variegated lollipops.
Making Shaped Lollipops at Home
Everyone who wants to make shaped lollipops at home wonders how lollipops are made. Although the production stages of the lollipops we mentioned in the article seem easy, they actually require a fine workmanship that requires care. It is important to be careful during the construction of candies that are not very tiring in terms of materials and construction. When the process of transferring the prepared syrups to the determined molds is done carefully, it will be easier to achieve the desired result. Lollipops, which can be made using all kinds of molds, are easier to obtain when plain models are preferred. Lollipop candies can be obtained with complex shapes, oval, heart or round molds as well as plain molds. In addition, transparent lollipops can be prepared, as well as lollipops with various shapes added. The sugar ratio of lollipops made at home can also be kept at the desired consistency. Using the materials to the desired extent helps to obtain lollipops in a certain number and shape.